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Running Campaign Examples

For RUNNING we focus on connecting the Running community via adidas Runners Club (AR) and launch all products and concepts seamlessly across all touchpoints. The running inspired adidas mono-brand stores not only serve as a selling point but connect to the running communities in key cities such as Istanbul, Bucharest, Sofia and Tel Aviv – offering experiences such as coaching, seminars, technical advise  etc. as well as product testing opportunities.

Regular Running Seminars hosted in the Brand Centers in Istanbul or Tel Aviv for members of the adidas Runners Community – featuring competitive runners, neutrition specialists, professional running coaches etc. Every time the the store set-up is modified to allow for technical consulting and product presentation to maximize service and selling opportunities. The in-store events are hugely popular with the running communities.

RunGenie set up in all running inspired mono-brand stores and equipped with a training expert. The tool allows consumers to test running footwear – measurements provide specific insights on what shoes fit best. Combined with tailored consulting consumers will know exactly what shoes to chose. Conversion rates achieved exceed 70%.

Running events sponsored form an important base to touch-base with the target consumers / running communities. Geyik Kosu in Istanbul is just one example. All events feature set-ups including running/new concepts display, testing (RunGenie) and product sales – at the event and via eCom.


The adidas Runners teams are used throughout for displaying, marketing and promoting new product / technology launches – frequently linking back to the stores / eCOM to convert to sales – examples are adidas Runners Istanbul launching SOLAR BOOST….

….and running a Marathon distance through Istanbul to announce the re-opening of the remodeled Istinye Park Brand Center