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Market Place Management: Business Development

New Markets – Entry Strategies and Implementation (2002 – 2013)

  • Romania and Bulgaria 2002/4 where we set-up subsidiaries, developing predominantly own retail business: My primary responsibility was setting up the offices, establishing and integrating the supply-chain and IT systems and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  • Israel: Closing the loss making subsidiary, supporting negotiations and subsequently setting-up the distributor operation in 2004, forming a JV with the distributor in 2009 and leading the organizational set-up and capability building for an aggressive retail expansion in 2010/11.
  • MEA: My work here – as Business Development Director – covered predominently the development of Market Entry Strategies primarily for the GCC, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and French-speaking NW Africa – including but not limited to conducting research, doing the strategic business planning and financial modeling, preparing and presenting robust business cases and in-depth support in the negotiations specifically for the JV formation in Jordan and Israel, the JV business proposal for French-speaking NW Africa and the subsidiary formation in Egypt.

As part of the BD Director role I also led the development of the Emerging Markets Integrated Distribution Roadmap (IDR) for the retail expansion covering 12 key markets – this included mapping out existing and upcoming retail projects for a 3 year period ahead – determining consumer profiles and overlap with the target, catchment areas, strength of the centers in terms of infrastructure, tenant mix, entertainment, USP, conducting financial feasibilities and recommending locations, sizes, retail formats.


Multi-Channel Market Development (2013 – 2018) 

Establishing new mono-branded retail formats in all 4 countries

Own Retail and Master Franchisee for adidas Originals Concept Stores – we entered 20 critical locations across all 4 markets, the master franchisee set-up with Demsa, one of the leading retailers in Turkey, was a creative approach to establish the retail format during violitile times in Turkey by sharing the risk and ops with a strategic partner who also provided access to critical retail locations.

– Own Retail and Franchisee for the adidas Young Athletes (Kids) Concept Stores – we established over 30 stores across the 4 markets – to capitalize on the opportunities of the young populations via offering of speciality mono-brand concepts.

Turn-around of the Reebok brand through repositioning in Turkey (pricing) and aggressive expansion via branded space – predominantly SIS but als mono-branded concept stores – turning around revenue decline into 20% revenue CAGR over the past 5 years.

DIGITAL channels

  • Establishment of the own eCOM channel for adidas and Reebok in Turkey – achieving 120% revenue CAGR over the last 4 years with the highest channel operating margin; We were the first sports brand in TR to start an own eCOM platform via an innovative, hybrid model – seamlessly merging our core capabilities in marketing and merchandising with a 3rd party delivering a state-of-the-art eCOM Store, logistics and consumer services. This business model became a best practice for smaller markets in adidas, our strategic partner RND has acquired additional international brands based on the same business model.
  • Incubation of Omni-channel functionalities – C&C, endless aisle, return to store for the own retail / eCOM network.
  • Integrated business set-up to develop and operate jointly the digital business in our major Turkish multi-brand Key Account Boyner, achieving 200% CAGR growth since incubation.
  • Pureplayer business development

Also this year – as a member of the Emerging Market Region SLT – I co-led a cross-geographical project to prepare the 3 year strategic business planning for the eCOM growth acceleration – mapping out the market potential, SBP, defining the applicable business set-up per market and operational model per market and defining the regional and market organization.

Entry into and development of the business in the lifestyle and fashion distribution – growing the segment/channel from virtually Zero in 2013 to 7% of business in 2018.

Strongly growing the licensed football business of the sponsored clubs Fenerbahçe and BJK via our own retail channels but also the clubs’ speciality distribution / fan stores – allowing us to grow the business to 8% of business share in Turkey.